I’m in the process of building a dresser for a bedroom. The interior framing, dust shields and drawers will be made from furniture grade plywood. I’m not sure what to use as a finish so I’m asking for suggestions.
I have talked to a few people and the suggestions have ranged from any water base product, to de-waxed shellac, to nothing at all. Asking for a few more comments and maybe shared experiences.
Thank you in advance.
I use spray on lacquer. The finish is nice to the touch, it's durable and, assuming you have the proper spray equipment, it's easy to apply.
By the way - I also put an 1/8th inch maple band on the top edge of all drawer sides to cover the plywood edges. An extra step but makes a big difference in the appearance.
Thank you for the reply. I'm sure that your projects turn out great, unfortunately I don't have the spray equipment. I'll keep in mind the maple band, I bet that it really sets the drawers off. Do you glue them on?
Yes. They are almost the same color as the baltic birch plywood so it has a solid wood look. I make them a hair wider than the plywood thickness and use a flush trim bit on a router to trim them. Goes pretty fast.
I like shellac
Thank you for the comment. Do you brush, spray or wipe it on?
I’m a big fan of shellac as well. I brush mine on. Several coats of 1.5 lb cut, then denib with 400 grit, then 3 or 4 more coats.
Thank You
One thought - I would use something that does not leave a lingering odor. I once used linseed oil and there is a strong smell that persisted for a very long time. If clothes are going to be in the drawers, you don't want them to smell like chemicals...
Shellac or water based products (I don't have much experience with the latter) would be good from this standpoint.
Part of the reason I use shellac is because of no odor.
Thank you, that seems to be the winner. I should have made it clear in my post, that was what I was trying to avoid. Made that mistake myself several years ago.
I've used wax on drawer interiors with good results. It won't gum up over time and lubricates the drawers.