Dewalt 770 Deluxe Powershop 10 inch

I went to pickup a 10″ Dewalt 770 Deluxe Powershop radial arm saw that I won in an online auction.
The saw is in rather good condition for an old tool.
It took us half a hour to finally learn how to move the yoke. (The seller is selling it for a very old owner, who is said to have owned it since it was new.) It turned out that one needs more than to loosen the lever, but the lever has to push on a bell to disengage a certain pin that fixes the yoke.
But we still have not been able to loosen and turn the bevel of the saw, to have the arbor pointing against the table. It moves a little and is not frozen. There is something, may be a pin, that fixes the saw’s bevel angle.
The terse printed description on the saw (the arm) says “pull, and turn the saw…”
The “pull” is mysterious. What does it mean by “pull” and then turn the saw?
Does any one here own such a saw, Dewalt 770 Deluxe Powershop RAS 10″, and can shed some light on how the bevel is moved? There does not seem to be anything broken. No sign of breakage.
Edited 2/11/2006 2:22 am ET by woodenfish3
Edited 2/11/2006 2:23 am ET by woodenfish3
Edited 2/11/2006 2:25 am ET by woodenfish3
Edited 2/11/2006 11:28 am ET by woodenfish3
Edited 2/11/2006 11:31 am ET by woodenfish3
Right here at Old WoodWorking Machines, you can see a parts bulletin for a 770 RAS, and a manual and parts list for a 790 RAS. Maybe these or some other of the 18 DeWalt RAS manuals and bulletins may give you some useful information.
The Original Saw Co. bought out DeWalt's manufacturing stuff, the name was sold to Black & Decker.
You might try contacting them about replacement parts and manuals.
[email protected]
Hunt around on the web I found a site that I don't have right in front of me that I downloaded a manual for an old Dewalt RAS at no cost. Sold the saw a short time latter. The manual should help you.
I have used this model saw many times. If it works like ours did, you must give the handle that unlocks it a quick, hard jerk into the bell in order to pop out the locking pin. Good luck.
IMO I think you are describing moving the yoke, not the bevel.
You are right. Its been a few years since I've seen this saw. I believe your pivot point and unlocking device is located just below the handle on this saw . If I remember right , the pin is attached to the locking clamp. Pull once to unlock and pull a second time to disengage the pin. Then rotate the saw to the desired angle. The pin will index at common angles. I think I have it right this time.
Thank you very much. I picked up the saw today. Looks like a reasonable tool.
We got the bevel angle. One pulls a pin (about 3/8" diameter) right were the bevel dial is. We had to use a pair of pliers.
The Yoke is rotated as said, with the lever pulled to push on the 'bell".
A small disappointment is that it is only 11 amp at 120v. I suppose a 11 amp induction motor direct drive is still respectable power.
Next I want to know how to attach a drill chuck to the back spindle of the saw, for horizontal drilling and boring. I think I need a fine threaded 3/8" rod, a couple of inches long to attach a chuck.
If you know what the thread type of the back spindle is for the attachment of a chuck, please let me know. It is a DeWalt 770 10" powershop RAS.
Thank you all again.
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