Could some one please tell me what a level plane is.
Thanks Jack
Could some one please tell me what a level plane is.
Thanks Jack
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you asked: Could some one please tell me what a level plane is?
I think you misunderstood. You heard someone say "level playing field" and heard "level plane". Problems like this are why written communications are much more precise than verbal communications. Actually there is no such thing in this world as a "level playing field". If there was, some politician would fix it.
I hope that helps. But it is possible that someone else may be more helpful to you than I have been able to be.
Measure your output in smiles per board foot.
To All who answered my question about could some one please tell me what a level plane.
This I read in an Auction Sale, let me read you part of the ad. several antique wooden planes, broad axe, Stanley rule and level plane, spokeshaves, clamps, rope maker, marking gauge, etc,etc.
Jack,Now it is clear, what they are talking about is a hand plane made by the "Stanley Rule & Level Company". Stanley Rule and Level eventually became part of the Stanley Company.John White
Shop Manager for FWW Magazine, 1998-2007
Edited 7/4/2009 9:05 am ET by JohnWW
Hi John ! Is this plane worth anything ?
Jack,Totally depends on the rarity of the model and its condition, could be worth nothing, could be worth a $1000. If it's at an auction it will almost certainly go for close to its full value if there are any knowledgeable bidders in the audience. In fact most tools go for way more than they are worth at auctions, because you will get a few fools with auction fever bidding against each other. I stay away from auctions except for entertainment.John White
Shop Manager for FWW Magazine, 1998-2007
We need more to tell help you guestimate its worth. For starters, what Stanley # is it? Would you happen to have a picture of it? Was there any more info. other than the makers name?
Could be worth $5 or in excess of $1,000. Much more info. is needed. As John said auctions may not be the best place to buy them, but sometimes ye git lucky.
One key question I have is what are your plans for it?
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
A #7 with a gyro attached? ;-)
Absent some other context, "level plane" would refer to an actual or theoretical "surface" that was level.
Note that a theoretical plane isn't actually there, so can't form an actual surface, hence the quote marks.
Note, too, that level is relative to one's position on the earth.
As they say in the spelling bees, could you use it in a sentence please? ;-)
At spelling bees, in order to fully understand the word I am given, I ask how it's spelled. Always thinking!Chris @ and
- Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
At speealing bees during class I am the kid that " forgot " to get up from his desk and stand up in the line and everyone pretended not to notice. There are some things in nature that it is best not to bring into combination. Wolf packs and a rabbit, lightening and pole valulters, bulls and china closits and roc and a speghling bee come redily to mind.: ) me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
sparky ,
Maybe you are referring to a leveling plane ?
regards from Oregon dusty
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