I will be moving in a couple weeks, and my shop in the new house will be in the walkout basement. I currently own a 5HP cyclone dust collector, but it is 12′ tall. I had planned to sell this DC and buy an Oneida. I realized today that an Oneida with the HP I wanted will still be too tall for my basement.
Would it make sense to build a “closet” inside my garage to house the DC? I could possibly run the pipe through the rim joist into the basement ceiling, and make a second hole that would allow filtered air back into the shop. This would have some heat loss, but if the closet is built against the house wall & insulated from the garage, I think it would be a minor issue (especially after the DC ran for 30 seconds, and the closet was full of shop air).
Another concern is the temperature inside the closet with a 5HP motor running. I would think that the air transfer would keep it cool enough. I imagine the velocity of the clean air coming back into the shop will also be significant, because the return hole will probably be approximately the same size as the collection pipe. Having the DC in the garage will be more likely to be heard by the neighbors than a basement location. If I insulate & soundproof the closet well, I’m hoping this won’t be a problem.
If this would work, I could save a significant amount of money by keeping my used 5HP AGET cyclone, instead of selling it cheap and buying a new Oneida. It would also keep the noise out of my shop. BTW, I cannot put the DC outside or in an exterior “closet,” because I will be living in residential suburbia, and the noise and permits would be a problem.
Has anyone else installed their DC in a similar location? Thanks.
I can only tell you that DC's are routinely located outside the shop -- which is a great way to keep the noise level down.
I don't know zilch about ventilation problems in this case, and I hope others will give you some information on this score.
Have you done a search yet in the archives? The search function for Knots is cumbersome and inefficient, but I do know there is a ton of info on DC's laying around in the back room.
Also, have you talked to one of the tech people at the outfit that mfgrd your DC? I would also call Oneida. They have a reputation for being both expert and helpful, and they seem to understand that even if you don't have their brand at the moment, you might buy one of theirs when this one dies.
I am in a simular position and I am considering the same thing. I think it should work - plkanning and execution are the keys.
I have my DC "unit" outside the shop in a sound proofed "dog house" and you can stand right next to it and talk in a normal voice. The "egg carton" foam that I used is readily available and not all that expensive. I would definately keep your existing DC and put it in the garage. Don't see any down side to that arrangement at all!!
Does running a DC in a doghouse require any venting at all -- either a fresh air supply for the vacuuming action and/or venting for the motor?
My DC isn't exactly a DC as it doesn't collect. It vacuums up the stuff and blows it into a pile behind the shop. The shop is 30' X 40' and is not even close to air tight. The vacuum action does not require any venting as I imagine it pulls air in through the cracks. The "dog house" where the "unit" is located has a small screened vent on the bottom of one side and the top of the other to allow air around the motor. I doubt this would be necessary as the thing usually runs just a few minutes at a time but I thought it would be prudent so it's there. Vents are about 2" X 5" with 1/4" mesh hardware cloth backed up with window screen.
Thanks for the feedback. The noise was one of my concerns, because there is no way to know how much of a problem it will be until the DC is running.
How much and where did you install the egg carton foam? Did you line the entire inside of the "doghouse" ? Your last note also mentioned the vents, but apparently you are still not getting obnoxious noise levels even with the vents - correct? Thanks.
The unit I have is located outside the back of my shop. The foam is just one layer completely covering the inside of the dog house (except for the two small vents). The noise is minimal. Like I wrote before, my system just shoots the stuff into a pile. There would be a lot of noise at the end of the outlet tube but I have installed a muffler. In your case; I assume you will be actually collecting your dust, you will probably want to enclose the whole system and make a door for access. Some 2x4's, 7/16" OSB and your egg carton foam should work wonders!
As you already have a great system to work with, it should be pretty easy to adapt to a new surrounding. I've found that for me any way, DC is one of those projects that never really ends, it just keeps evolving.
Good luck and keep us posted.
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