I’m thinking of getting a new 1/2″ router. My Hitachi TR12 workhorse is a bit heavy to control on fine cuts, such as a 1/8″ roundover on narrow materials. I’d like to use the new unit both right side up, and in my router table. Seems to me the choices should be P-C, big yellow, or Bosch. Any thoughts or experiences out there?
it’s alot eastier to get forgiveness than it is to get persmission
Yes, see the selection link.
Pat, I enjoy your selection site and comparisons, but I respectfully believe that the big Milwaukee is the best table router on the market. The soft start, variable speed, 3+ hp and above table adjustment make it a great machine, although it's a bit pricey, but no more than the big PC.
I don't use the above table adjustment feature because I have a lift up table top/fence and make my adjustments by lifting the top or pull the whole router out to change bits. That way I never bend over to fiddle with something under the table. But everything else about the Milwaukee is just superb, in my opinion.
I also have the PC 690 combination fixed and plunge bases, but would like to get the smaller PC trimmer and maybe one of the Milwaukee body grips. I have very large hands and love the way the body grip Milwaukee feels. Alan & Lynette Mikkelsen, Mountain View Farm, est. 1934, Gardens & Fine Woodworking, St. Ignatius, MT
I just recently purchased a PC 895pk and after 2 weeks use I returned it to the dealer. Bit runout was unacceptable and lateral movement in the plunge base. I hated the plunge release lever and at one point while I was routing, the plunge base began to creep on me. Picked up the Bosch 1617 EVS and was like night and day. If you are going for a plunge base option, make sure the plunge smoothly operates when pushing down on one side. The Bosch does this fine, the PC didn't.
Thanks, those comments are helpful.
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